
Junction East is a mixed-use precinct. It has a key focus on retail but also some offices at the northern and southern ends. Street-level car parking lots are a key feature of the local area that impact the amenity but also present significant opportunities for new public open spaces.

Map of area

Junction East area showing pedestrian access. Click the image to expand.

What we aim to achieve

  • Guide future redevelopment of strategic sites to deliver community benefits, such as new pedestrian connections.
  • Ensure new developments address primary and secondary frontages and activate public spaces.
  • Explore potential for future development to relocate and better manage existing ground-level public car parking to free up public space.
  • Deliver high quality new public spaces near the Camberwell Markets.
  • Improve safety for pedestrians and cyclists where cars are entering or exiting carparks.
  • Provide safe and legible pedestrian connections through parking areas and development sites to surrounding precincts and destinations.

Future vision

Here's an example of a potential project to enhance Junction East - enhancing the Camberwell Market area to create a welcoming destination space every day of the week, the new Market Plaza.

Market Plaza

Market Plaza proposal from the north-east corner on Station Street

Market Plaza

Market Plaza from Station Street

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