The Camberwell Junction Structure and Place Plan was adopted by Councillors on 4 March 2024.
This plan is our guide for transforming the area into a more vibrant, inspiring and community-focused place into the future. Thank you to everyone who took the time to read about the plan and provided feedback.
You can read the final, accessible plan as well as the consultation and research reports in Document library on this page.
About our Structure and Place Plan
The plan carefully considers the close relationship between private development and public land. It has two distinct, yet complementary parts:
1. The Structure Plan, which responds to current growth forecasts for the next 20+ years. It guides the design and scale of new development, while also protecting the character of the centre that locals love.
2. The Place Plan, which provides a vision and a pathway to improve liveability in Camberwell Junction. This includes identifying how we can improve public space, upgrade transport infrastructure and community facilities, expand greenery and raise safety for all.
Explore the plan of exciting major improvements that aim to deliver the community’s vision and priorities for the centre.
Why this is important
Camberwell Junction is an important activity centre for Melbourne’s eastern suburbs – for shopping, employment, public transport, services and housing. Its popularity is growing and more residents in the future will call it home.
In 2021, Camberwell Junction was home to about 2,500 residents in 1,200 homes. According to Census data, in 2051 this will increase to 5,800 residents and we’ll need 1,500 more homes.
We need to demonstrate to the Victorian Government that we have a plan to meet housing and employment needs from now until 2051. Having this plan also ensures our community can have a say in decisions about this major activity centre.
Community consultation
In late 2023, we asked our community for feedback on the draft plan. Our consultation activities reached thousands of community members over the 6-week consultation. This included almost 7,000 individuals who visited this consultation page.
Read the community feedback in our Engagement Outcomes Report in the Document library on this page.
Valuable feedback from the community
In the final round of consultation, community members completed 340 surveys, showing:
- Broadly, 75% of respondents supported the draft plan.
- More than 70% supported the objectives, strategies and actions for the 6 priorities, except for ‘built form’ which received about 57% support and 30% partial support.
- More than 60% supported and more than 20% partially supported the actions and strategies for the 6 precincts within the centre.
In addition, we received 34 email submissions and we ran 3 in-person workshops and 3 in-person public information stalls.
We used your feedback to update the final plan with some adjustments involving planning and public realm actions, building heights, and document legibility improvements.
Extensive research and significant engagement with the community and precinct stakeholders has informed the Camberwell Junction Structure and Place Plan.
The plan started in 2021 and evolved through the first 4 stages of placemaking, including 3 stages of comprehensive community consultation to arrive at Stage 5 of our Placemaking framework: Transform Place. See the Timeline on this page for details.
Camberwell Junction's top priorities
Read more about our 6 strategic priorities and how these apply to the whole of Camberwell Junction.
4. Public realm
Great streets and public places are essential to creating a more inviting precinct where business can thrive.
5. Access and movement
Ensuring accessibility to and around the precinct will be key to a successful centre.
6. Community wellbeing
Public services, environment and culture are some of the most important indicators of a thriving and dynamic community.
Areas in Camberwell Junction
Camberwell Junction is made up of 6 smaller, distinctive areas (place precincts). Click on the hotspot to see more about each area and what we have planned.
Community consultation
Thank you to everyone who had their say on our draft Camberwell Junction Structure and Place Plan and the objectives, strategies and actions proposed to deliver your vision and priorities for the centre.
The consultation closed on 5 pm Monday 11 December 2023. Your feedback was considered by Councillors when they formally endorsed the Structure and Place Plan.
Contact Us
Contact us for more information on any of these consultations.
Contact Information Phone (03) 9278 4444 Email Website