Thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts on a new playground design for Winton Road Reserve in Ashburton.

Following 2 rounds of community consultation, we are now reviewing feedback and finalising the design. We'll present the final design to our community before construction starts.

Explore the draft design below and select the 'Follow' button at the top of this page to stay up-to-date on progress.

Why we're building a new playground

We’re planning to update the Winton Road Reserve playground to:

  • improve accessibility
  • increase nature play opportunities
  • better meet the needs of children and families, now and into the future.

The current playground was built in 2004. We’ve prioritised this playground to be updated as some equipment is ageing and some posts in the main timber play structures are starting to rot.

We expect to start building the new playground in the 2024-2025 financial year.

Our progress so far

From November to December 2023, we consulted our community to find out:

  • what you love about the current playground
  • more about you, your child or family’s favourite experiences at the park
  • what features you would like to see in the new future play space.

We used your feedback to create a draft design for the new playground.

You can read about what we heard in the first round of consultation by visiting our Winton Road Reserve playground Stage 1 consultation page.

From March to April 2024, we consulted our community on the draft design for the new playground.

Thank you to everyone who took part in these 2 consultations.

Overview of the draft design

In the new playground area, we're proposing to include:

  • a track glide and monkey bars
  • a play cubby and window shop front
  • play and discover learning elements about Boroondara’s local birds and plants (that can be found in the nature play area)
  • Children's learning circle - this is a place where children can use their voices to talk, share stories, learn, reflect and build meaningful and respectful relationships. It is inspired by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have been using yarning circles for thousands of years.
  • a nature play trail with steppers.
Nature play space

The Food Forest Ashburton was a community-maintained food forest located opposite the playground at Winton Road Reserve.

In 2023, the volunteers who managed the space for just over 10 years decided to step away from their roles. We asked other local community groups and schools if they were interested in managing the food forest in mid-2023. None of the groups or schools contacted expressed interest or capacity to manage the food forest.

This presented an opportunity to reimagine the food forest and better connect it with the playground to encourage children to play in nature. Between November and December 2023, we asked our community for feedback on this idea:

Out of the 71 people who took part in the survey, 51 people (71%) said they would like the former food forest to be incorporated into the new playground design.

Based on your feedback, we’re proposing to provide nature play activities for children of different ages to enjoy in this space. We've tidied up this area to help you understand what the new experience might look and feel like.

You told us that the current play equipment is much-loved by playground users.

Based on your feedback, we’re proposing that the current playground equipment is replaced with new equipment to meet current Australian playground standards. This includes the:

  • stand on carousel
  • combination unit
  • swings
  • climber
  • spring rider
  • spring see saw.

Existing features around the playground that will be upgraded include:

  • the park seat overlooking the playground
  • 2 picnic table settings
  • the footpath from Winton Road to the playground and outdoor shelter area
  • paths around the former food forest.

Our community also shared some great ideas for the new design, but there are a few things that we can't include.

This is generally because Winton Road Reserve is classified as a ‘local’ playground. This means some features fall out of scope for this playground in Boroondara's Playground Redevelopment Strategy, including:

1. Water and sand play - these elements can be found in District and Regional playground designs.

2. Shade sails - under our Shade Policy 2017-2027, certain elements like outdoor shade sails are out of scope for local playgrounds.

However, our new design features shaded areas on the play units and we plan to increase natural shade around the playground by planting more trees.

3. Public toilets - these can be found in District and Regional playground designs.

To learn more about the local playground classification, view the Questions and Answers panel on the right of this page.

4. Fencing - There is some fencing along Winton Road and Gardiners Creek. Some people in the community wanted the playground area to be fully fenced. However, many participants in the consultation told us they like the park's natural and open design. Because of this feedback, we plan to keep the fencing the same.

5. Outdoor shelter - The shelter at Winton Road Reserve will not be upgraded or changed as it is still in good condition.

To turn the former Food Forest into a nature play space, we are proposing to remove 1 quince tree and 1 pear tree to install the track glide and monkey bars. These trees can be found in the middle of the open area. We would also need to replace the mulch and the soil.

We will offset the trees being removed by planting at least 2 new trees as part of the playground works. See below images of the pear tree and quince tree we propose removing.

How our community had their say

We wanted to hear your thoughts on the draft design to make sure it met your needs.

You could tell us your thoughts in these ways:

  • complete our short survey
  • speak with a Council Officer at the playground on Tuesday 23 April from 3:15 pm to 4:15 pm.

Consultation closed at 5 pm Tuesday 30 April 2024.

View the design

You can view key proposed features of the draft design by selecting the hotspots on this map.