Have your say on biodiversity in Boroondara

We’re updating the Urban Biodiversity Strategy to guide how we manage, protect and take care of nature in Boroondara over the next 10 years.

This strategy will set an overarching direction for preserving and enhancing biodiversity and is guided by the Boroondara Community Plan 2021-31 and Climate Action Plan.

We invited you to have your say on the draft Urban Biodiversity Strategy by:

Consultation was open until 5 pm Tuesday 18 June 2024.

We’ll now review community feedback and develop a final strategy for Council to adopt later this year.

About the draft strategy

The strategy we've drafted is a 10-year plan to:

  • continue maintaining, restoring and enhancing nature in Boroondara
  • build and expand on the work we are doing to protect our native plants and wildlife
  • increase our community’s knowledge and efforts to preserve biodiversity
  • ensure nature is preserved for future generations to enjoy.

This strategy is supported by a series of Action Plans, which explain what actions we will deliver every 2 years.

This will set a clear roadmap to ensure we make steady progress to achieve our objectives.


The draft strategy includes a vision to:

  • create a sustainable city where ecosystems thrive and green corridors connect
  • support a diverse community of native plants and wildlife
  • foster a community that values biodiversity and who actively seek opportunities to connect with and protect nature.


The draft strategy has targets that align with our Climate Action Plan. These are to:

  1. support residents and schools to plant 5,000 new indigenous plants per year
  2. increase the area of land managed for biodiversity by 1 hectare per year, which is about the size of the inside of an athletics track.

Key objectives

The 4 key objectives, which describe how we propose to bring this vision to life, are as follows:

We want to make sure that the plants and animals in our parks and reserves are protected and looked after.

Our proposed actions:

  • Progressively implement the Biodiversity Sites Plan to improve the habitat condition of existing vegetation and areas managed for biodiversity.
  • Expand revegetation efforts to connect biodiversity sites and create corridors, as outlined in the Biodiversity Sites Plan.
  • Continue to focus on establishing vegetation that supports small insect-eating birds.
  • Respond to existing issues such as climate change, pest animals, weeds, lighting and domestic pets, as well as emerging threats to protect native plants and animals.
  • Protect waterways for their natural landscapes and ecological importance.
  • Use streetscapes, including nature strips, to support native plants and animals.
  • Plant a variety of species that are resilient to climate change.
  • Restore habitats and create artificial nesting sites to support species that rely on tree hollows.
  • Collaborate with the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation and other Aboriginal groups in revegetation projects.
  • Continue to work with other public land managers (e.g., Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria) to enhance habitat quality and connectivity throughout Boroondara.

Building and construction can be essential, but it can affect our biodiversity. We want to find ways to reduce this impact and protect nature.

Our proposed actions:

  • Encourage private landowners with significant habitat (e.g. golf clubs) to protect, manage and enhance indigenous habitat.
  • Enhance biodiversity protection through the Boroondara Planning Scheme where possible.
  • Investigate the possibility of purchasing, sub-dividing or re-selling land next to river corridors to improve biodiversity access and management. If the land has regional benefits, we will advocate for the State Government to purchase it.

Protecting our native species requires the combined effort of everyone in Boroondara. We want to encourage our community to learn about and care for the plants and animals around us.

Our proposed actions:

  • Promote and deliver community education projects that encourage positive values and behaviours towards biodiversity conservation.
  • Encourage and incentivise indigenous gardening across Boroondara, including on nature strips.
  • Maintain (and expand as necessary) educational signs to promote biodiversity messages.
  • Collaborate with friends groups and community organisations involved in biodiversity conservation.
  • Offer citizen science opportunities for the community to learn about and contribute data on Boroondara's biodiversity.
  • Engage with the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation (WWCHAC) to provide indigenous-focused education and engagement opportunities.

The strategy will guide Council in making informed decisions that prioritise the conservation and promotion of biodiversity in Boroondara and beyond.

Our proposed actions:

  • Support the technical knowledge and capacity of staff, contractors and friends group volunteers.
  • Knowledge share with other councils and expert bodies.
  • Regularly monitor biodiversity sites.
  • Review and update key guiding documents to address remaining gaps in knowledge and data.
  • Incorporate biodiversity considerations into key Council documents where necessary.
  • Contribute data to the relevant state and national biodiversity inventories.

Reflecting our community's values

You told us that biodiversity is important to you. That's why we’re committed to protecting our natural environment by delivering our Urban Biodiversity Strategy.

See below the ways our community have expressed the importance of biodiversity.

Explore the value and diversity of Boroondara's natural environment on our wildlife, biodiversity and gardening page.

Have your say

We invited you to review the draft Urban Biodiversity Strategy and share your thoughts on the proposed objectives and actions.

You could have their say in these ways:

Consultation closed at 5 pm Tuesday 18 June 2024.

Your feedback will inform any changes to the draft strategy and will be presented in a report to Councillors.

Councillors will then adopt a new, updated Urban Biodiversity Strategy.