We know our community values Boroondara’s leafy neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces.

That’s why we've drafted a new Tree Canopy Strategy, to protect and expand our tree canopy cover on public and private land (tree canopy cover measures the amount of shaded or protected ground under a tree's branches and leaves when viewed from above).

Before we finalise the strategy, we want to hear your thoughts on how we propose to increase, protect and maximise tree canopy cover across Boroondara.

Come and chat with Council Officers at our drop-in sessions.

About the strategy

The strategy we’ve drafted will guide Council and our community in how we protect and expand our tree canopy cover over the next 10 years, for the benefit of our community over the next 50-100 years.

Action plans will support this strategy, detailing what Council will deliver every 2 years.

You can download the full draft strategy from the Document library on this page or read on for a summary.

Vision and purpose

The draft strategy includes a vision to grow a tree canopy that:

  • is resilient and thrives
  • maximises benefits for our whole community
  • enhances the ecology, character and amenity of our urban environment.

The purpose is to increase tree canopy cover across our streets, parks and on private property by:

  • looking after existing trees
  • investing in new plantings where they are needed most.


Our targets in the draft strategy are to:

  • Increase Boroondara’s tree canopy cover to 27% by 2040.

  • Achieve 100% compliance with the tree planting conditions required as part of permits.

  • Ensure that no single tree species makes up more than 10% of the trees on public land.

Objectives and actions

The draft strategy includes 3 key objectives to achieve our targets, each supported by strategic actions.

The objectives are to:

To increase our canopy cover, we need to plant trees where it is practical for them to thrive and survive on public and private land. We will prioritise tree planting where it is needed most, to ensure a more even distribution of tree canopy across Boroondara.

We propose to grow our tree canopy by delivering on these actions:

  • increase tree planting on Council land, prioritising areas with lower canopy cover and highest levels of canopy loss
  • establish partnerships with other landowners and managers to increase tree planting
  • ensure the design and delivery of all Council projects in the public realm provide an increase in canopy cover
  • educate and support the community to improve tree planting on private properties
  • improve the accuracy of our tree data
  • regularly measure canopy cover and monitor change to inform planting priorities, management strategies and actions.

Tree canopy cover is vulnerable to threats and challenges. Our trees need to be protected to improve air quality, contribute to better health and wellbeing and support a liveable future in our urban environment.

We propose to protect our tree canopy by delivering on these actions:

  • implement broad regulatory protection policy for public and private trees
  • improve permit conditions and enforcement for the protection and retention of existing trees
  • develop minimum canopy cover measures on new private residential and commercial property developments
  • become an industry leader in best practice and innovation for the protection, maintenance, and management of urban trees.

Trees have social, economic, cultural and environmental benefits. They are considered important assets to meet the predicted climate challenges.

We will maximise the benefits of trees, by carefully designing, managing and integrating trees in Boroondara.

This means we need to plan ahead to grow a more resilient tree canopy for the future. We also need to manage our ageing tree population, so large areas are not impacted by significant tree removals in short periods of time.

We propose to maximise our tree canopy by delivering on these actions:

  • deliver a coordinated and integrated approach for tree canopy management
  • ensure a diverse range of climate-ready tree species are planted
  • advocate for improved canopy protection around power lines and other infrastructure assets
  • use engineering and best-practise arboriculture solutions to improve canopy retention
  • develop renewal programs for significant tree populations within parks and along streetscapes.


During consultation on the Boroondara Community Plan 2021-31, our community told us that parks and green spaces, the environment, neighbourhood character and heritage are important to them. Trees and urban greening play an important role in these areas our community want us to focus on.

Developing this strategy is also an action in our Climate Action Plan, which outlines how we will respond to the real and increasing threat of climate change to our environment, health and wellbeing.

Find out more about Boroondara's current tree canopy.

Have your say

Share your thoughts on how we propose to grow, protect and maximise our tree canopy cover.

You can have your say in these ways:

  • Complete our short survey (contact us if you need a paper version).
  • Speak with a Council Officer at Ashburton Library from 10 am to 12 pm on Monday 27 May, Central Gardens from 11 am to1.30 pm on Wednesday 5 June, or Camberwell Library from 4 pm to 6 pm on Wednesday 12 June 2024.

Consultation closed at 5 pm Monday 24 June 2024.

Your feedback will help us finalise the strategy before it is presented to Councillors for adoption later this year.