Increase Boroondara’s tree canopy cover to 27% by 2040.
We know our community values Boroondara’s leafy neighbourhoods, parks and open spaces. That’s why we developed our new Tree Canopy Strategy.
The draft strategy was shared with our community for feedback through consultation in mid-2024. Thank you to everyone who completed the survey or attended a drop-in session.
About the strategy
The strategy will guide Council and our community in how we protect and expand our tree canopy cover over the next 10 years, for the benefit of our community over the next 50-100 years. It is supported by 2-year action plans.
It includes a vision to grow a tree canopy that:
- is resilient and thrives
- maximises benefits for our whole community
- enhances the ecology, character and amenity of our urban environment.
Our targets in the strategy are to:
Achieve 100% compliance with the tree planting conditions required as part of permits.
Ensure that no single tree species makes up more than 10% of the trees on public land.
You can read the strategy and the first 2-year action plan on our Tree Canopy Strategy page.
Community consultation
The strategy was shaped by feedback we received from our community through consultation. Find out more about what we heard below.
During consultation on the Boroondara Community Plan 2021-31, our community told us that parks and green spaces, the environment, neighbourhood character and heritage are important to them. Trees and urban greening play an important role in these areas our community want us to focus on.
About 5,000 people participated in this consultation in 2020-21.
Developing this strategy was also an action in our Climate Action Plan, which outlines how we will respond to the real and increasing threat of climate change to our environment, health and wellbeing. Around 2,000 community members provided feedback through consultation in 2020-21.
In May and June 2024, we invited our community to provide feedback on the draft strategy.
Who we heard from
We received feedback in these ways:
- 674 people shared feedback through our survey
- 9 written submissions were received
- over 100 community members attended drop-in sessions.
Of those who participated:
- 58% were female
- just over half were aged 60 years or over
there was good representation from community members living in all Boroondara suburbs.
What we heard
Overall, there was a strong level of support for the strategy and the measures it proposes to increase canopy cover.
- 90% of respondents supported increasing tree canopy cover
- 96% of respondents supported planting more trees in parks, streets and shopping strips
- 80% of respondents supported finding new ways to minimise pruning of street trees
- 66% of respondents supported minimising pruning around power lines.
Of those who weren’t supportive of the proposed pruning approaches, their main concerns were:
- leaf litter
- potential for damage to infrastructure
- perceived safety issues for falling branches.
“Council could provide to land holders lists of appropriate tree selections for different locations & spaces.”
“I love the autumn foliage and the beautiful parks and gardens that we have in Canterbury."
“Homeowners need personalised advice and encouragement on appropriate trees for their property.”
“Trees are very important to the amenity of our area. We're concerned about the lack of control over new dwellings being erected so close to the boundary fence, leaving insufficient space for tree planting.”
“Increase trees and plantings to street corridors to minimised heat island effects.”
“I think trees are a key part of Boroondara and what makes this area a lovely place to live. Please keep planting more trees! And please encourage and/or legislate more tree planting on private property.”
You can download a copy of the full community engagement report from the document library on this page.
Next steps
The strategy was adopted by Councillors at the Services Delegated Committee meeting on Monday 9 September 2024. We’re now delivering the actions to help achieve the targets of the strategy.
Stay up to date by selecting Follow at the top of this page or visit our Tree Canopy Strategy page for more information.