Thank you to everyone who took part in the first round of consultation for the new playground design at South Surrey Park. We’ve listened to your suggestions and a draft design is now ready for your review.
View the design below and have your say in these ways:
- complete our short survey below (contact us if you need a paper version)
- call us on 9278 4444 or email
- come and have a chat with a Council Officer at the playground on Wednesday 12 March from 3 pm to 4:30 pm.
Consultation is open until 5 pm Thursday 20 March.
The design of the main play unit is modelled off the existing one as you have asked. The theme of the new playground is strongly influenced by nature and its surrounding. The materials for the play unit will feature a combination of steel uprights and timber battens and native details.
We’re proposing to include:
A new unit, designed to match the current unit, featuring peak-style roofs, durable powder-coated steel uprights, timber accents, and interactive play panels. It features:
- 2 slides – a single and a double
- interactive activity panels
- shop fronts
- fireman’s pole
- rock wall
- linking bridge
- STEM equipment for mulch play, including a bucket, pulley and tube system with a funnel.
An agility trail, including:
- stalk climber
- stick navigation
- roman rings
- steppers
- wobbly bridge
- monkey bars
- track glide.
More swings and play equipment:
- triple swing set including a basket swing for groups and an accessible option, a toddler seat and a standard seat for older children
- 1 single toddler swing
- inclusive spinner
- single and double spring rocker
- butterfly seat.
Find and discover elements including:
- animal footprints in concrete and signage about local wildlife and trees
- a feature boulder to link to the park rocks over the bridge in the broader park.
We’re upgrading the following existing features around the playground to improve accessibility, functionality and comfort in line with Council’s Public Realm Asset Manual (PRAM):
- upgrading the seat facing the playground on the kindergarten side
- incorporating the seat on the creek fence into the design
- removing the seat against the Verdun Street fence and incorporating it into the design
- splitting the picnic tables to 2 areas of the playground
- installing a new bin against the Verdun Street fence
- installing stainless steel bike rails.
We’re also planting 3 new trees in the playground and 3 more trees on the street side.
You shared some great ideas for the new playground, but there are a few things that we can’t include, such as:
- barbecue
- toilets
- basketball/netball hoop
- installing play equipment on the Essex Street side of the park.
This is generally because South Surrey Park is classified as a ‘local’ playground. A playground’s category determines the budget, design focus and scope of the upgrade. Read more about this on Upgrading Boroondara’s playgrounds page.
View the draft design
You can view key proposed features of the draft design by selecting the hotspots on this map.

Stage 1 of consultation
In August 2024, we invited you to participate in the first stage of consultation so that we could better understand:
- what you like about the current playground
- what play equipment you would like to keep
- what you’d like to see added or improved.
We heard from 94 community members during the consultation. Of those who participated:
- 13% of the participants were children under the age of 14
- 44% of the participants were between the ages of 35 and 49
- 73% of participants live locally
- 48% of participants visit the playground weekly.
- 61 people participated in an online survey
- 23 people provided feedback at the drop-in session
- 6 people shared their feedback by posting images, ideas and words on our gather page
- 4 people shared their feedback by emailing us.
- Social media: We posted information about the consultation on our Facebook and Instagram accounts.
- Postcards: We distributed postcards to households located within 500 metres of the playground.
- On-site signage: We placed posters around the playground and at the local Maternal Child Health Centre and kindergarten. The posters included a QR code that linked to the consultation page.
- Council e-newsletters: We promoted the consultation to thousands of community members who subscribe to the Fortnightly Feed e-newsletter.
- Boroondara Bulletin: The consultation featured in the 'have your say' column in the August / September 2024 edition of the Boroondara Bulletin.
- Email: We emailed community members who have signed up to receive Your Say Boroondara consultation alerts that are relevant to them.
You shared great insights with us about how you, your child or your family use the playground. You also shared many ideas to improve the playground. We heard:
- Fun: You gave the playground a 4.21 rating for fun.
- A playground for everyone: You enjoy the variety of equipment available for different ages and want to make sure that the new playground continues to cater to a broad range of ages. You also want to see new equipment on Essex Street side.
- Equipment: Some of your favourite play equipment items are the swing (73%), the timber play units (71%), carousel (68%) and climbing wall (50%). For the new playground, you want more swings, a zip line/track glide, a climbing wall, an obstacle course and STEM features.
- Safety and accessibility: You are concerned about safety and accessibility and suggested improvements to the drop-off height and gaps in the main play unit, the width of the walking path, and entry point.
- Natural elements: You love the natural environment and nature play surrounding the playground. You want to see more features that connect to these elements and more trees to be planted.
- Social: It is a special spot for gatherings, picnics and inter-generational visitation. Given the proximity of the playground to the kindergarten, many children visit the playground after their kindergarten session and called it ‘kinder park’.
As we explored ways to upgrade the playground, we found that the current unsealed gravel path next to the playground needs to be upgraded. This is because it is:
- too narrow
- difficult for users to navigate
- within the tree protection area of the large trees.
The path upgrade will ensure it meets the requirements for shared paths in our Boroondara Bicycle Strategy.
As part of the first stage of consultation we presented 2 options we could deliver and asked for your preference.
- Option 1 - involves adjusting the current unsealed gravel path to make it wider and more direct.
- Option 2 - involves removing the current unsealed gravel path and widening the concrete footpath which runs adjacent to Verdun Street.
65% of the participants chose Option 1. We’ve incorporated your choice in the draft design.