On Monday 5 August 2024, Council's Urban Planning Delegated Committee (UPDC) considered a report on the outcomes of preliminary consultation on the heritage citations for 8 properties proposed for heritage protection.
At the meeting, the UPDC resolved to:
- receive and note the feedback received
- endorse the officer response to the feedback received and recommended changes
- adopt the citations for all 8 properties
- start the formal planning scheme amendment process to introduce the proposed changes into the Boroondara Planning Scheme
- receive a report reviewing the Community Heritage Nomination process.
Council officers will now seek authorisation from the Minister for Planning to prepare and exhibit a planning scheme amendment to introduce the proposed changes. There will be a further opportunity to have your say during the exhibition stage of the amendment process, and further updates and information will be provided as required.
You can watch live-stream meetings as they take place in real time or catch up on recordings at your convenience.
About this consultation
We are committed to the protection, conservation and enhancement of all heritage places in Boroondara.
Community members have formally asked Council if a number of properties can be given heritage protection, as part of the Community Heritage Nomination Process. To learn more about the process, visit our nominate a heritage place page.
Our heritage consultants have identified the nominated properties below as having local heritage significance and being worthy of protection:
- 23 Clapham Street, Balwyn
- 50 Fitzgerald Street, Balwyn
- 1 Mabel Street, Camberwell
- 141 Wattle Valley Road, Camberwell
- 1360 Toorak Road, Camberwell
- 21 Alma Road, Camberwell
- 17 Raven Street, Kew
- 25 Weybridge Street, Surrey Hills.
We asked for your feedback before we proceeded with an amendment to the Boroondara Planning Scheme, to apply a Heritage Overlay to these properties.
Why these places are significant
The Victorian Government has a list of 8 recognised criteria we need to use to assess local heritage value. A place can be of heritage value if it meets at least one of these criteria.
Our heritage consultants found the nominated properties meet the following criteria:
- historical significance (Criterion A)
- rarity (Criterion B)
- representative significance (Criterion D)
- aesthetic significance (Criterion E)
- associative significance (Criterion H).
These criteria are outlined on the Department of Transport and Planning website's Planning Practice Note 1 – Applying the Heritage Overlay page.
Location of nominated properties
Select a Hotspot below to learn more about each property. These have all been graded as Individually Significant places (individually important for their heritage value).
Have your say
We invited you to share your feedback by 5 pm Friday 14 June 2024.
This preliminary consultation aimed to understand if there was community support for starting a process to protect these properties.
Your feedback will help Councillors decide whether to seek to include the properties in a Heritage Overlay.