About this consultation

From 6 August to 23 August we consulted our community on the proposed permanent introduction of 'No Stopping' along one side of Mount Ida Avenue, Hawthorn East.

We invited residents, property owners and people who are eligible for a residential parking permit to participate in this consultation. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the proposed changes, with a very high response received from the residents and owners of properties in the street.

What we asked

We asked for your feedback on the proposal to introduce:

  • Permanent 'No Stopping' along the north side of Mount Ida Avenue from No. 3, east to Widford Street and on the south side between Tooronga Road east to No. 2.

Changes to parking restrictions are made if:

  • we receive feedback from at least 10% of people invited to share their feedback, and
  • 55% support the proposed changes.

What we heard

We received responses from 59% of eligible community members.

  • 27% supported introducing the permanent 'No Stopping' change
  • 73% opposed introducing the permanent 'No Stopping' change.

What happens next

In accordance with our Parking Management Policy, we will change the parking restrictions if 55% or more of all eligible responses show support for the proposed changes.

With insufficient support received (23%) to introduce the change, no changes will occur and the existing parking arrangements along Mount Ida Avenue will remain.

However, due to raised concerns about inconsiderate parking, drivers parking in the street are reminded to leave sufficient clearance to oppositely parked vehicles to allow for traffic movement to occur along the street.