About this consultation

We have been contacted by the Ashburton Traders Association who have concerns regarding the parking restrictions in the car park south of High Street between Highgate Grove and Lexia Street, Ashburton.

The Association has expressed that the 2-hour parking restrictions are too restrictive, as they do not provide adequate amount of time for appointments, and multi-purpose trips to nearby businesses. We have assessed the situation and now invite your feedback.

Current parking restrictions

The car park consists of spaces with parking restrictions largely as follows:

  • 2P (all times)
  • 2P, 8 am-6 pm Mon-Fri, 8 am-1 pm Sat
  • 3P, 8 am-6 pm Mon-Fri, 8 am-1 pm Sat.

There are also several unrestricted disabled spaces. Adjacent to the Early Learning Centre entrance there is one space each designated:

  • P10 minutes, 7 am-9 am Mon-Fri, 4:30 pm-6:15 pm Mon-Fri / 2P, 9 am-4:30 pm Mon-Fri, 8 am-1 pm Sat
  • P10 minutes, 7 am-9 am Mon-Fri, 4:30 pm-6:15 pm Mon-Fri / 3P, 9 am-4:30 pm Mon-Fri, 8 am-1 pm Sat.

Proposed changes

We propose to convert all 2P duration spaces to 3P, 8 am-6 pm Mon-Fri, 8 am-1 pm Sat restrictions. The car park will then comprise 3-hour parking restrictions except for the two 10-minute spaces (weekday morning and afternoon peaks only) and the disabled parking spaces (unrestricted).

The Ashburton Traders Association is supportive of the change in terms of better meeting the needs of shoppers and visitors.

Map of Highgate Grove car park

Who can take part

This consultation is open to properties/ businesses along High Street, between Johnston Street and Carool Road.

We will accept one response from businesses at each property. If we receive more than one response for your property, we will contact you to confirm your response.

Property owners who do not live at the property/buisness are also eligible to participate.

How to have your say

You can have your say on the proposed changes by completing our online survey below. The survey will take 5 minutes or less to complete. We will ask for your name, address and email.

You can also request a paper survey by phoning 9278 4444.

This consultation closes at 5 pm, Tuesday 10 December 2024.

What happens next

In accordance with our Parking Management Policy, we will change the parking restrictions if 55% or more of all eligible responses show support for the proposed changes.