About this consultation

Community members have contacted Council about the 30-minute parking restriction at the south end of Radnor Street, Camberwell (close to Toorak Road).

The restriction was introduced in 2009 to assist the adjacent business with a 4-space parking area for loading/unloading and short-term visitor parking.

We have assessed the situation and can see the parking demands are not high and these restrictions do not apply elsewhere along Radnor Street.

We now invite your feedback on:

  • potential removal of the ‘30-minute, 8 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday’ restriction

This consultation process is in line with our:

  • Parking Management Policy 2017
  • Parking Management Procedures 2017.

  • Current parking restrictions

    '30-minute, 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday' for four spaces on the east side of Radnor Street, Camberwell.

    Proposed changes

    We are proposing to remove this parking restriction, returning the parking to an unrestricted parking area.

    Who can take part

    Consultation will occur only with those properties near the proposed change.

    • We will accept one response from residents in each property.
    • Property owners who do not live in their property are also eligible.

    How to have your say

    You can have your say on the proposed changes by completing our online survey below. The survey will take 5 minutes or less to complete. We will ask for your name, address and email.

    You can also request a paper survey by phoning 9278 4444.

    This consultation closes at 5 pm on Monday 24 February 2025.

    What happens next

    In accordance with our Parking Management Policy, we will change the parking restrictions if 55% or more of all eligible responses show support for the proposed changes.