Sir William Angliss Reserve is one of the 4 locations where we proposed new outdoor fitness equipment to be installed. The proposed site for the new outdoor fitness equipment is between the existing playground and Kildare Street, located between the trees.

Aerial birds eye view of Sir William Anglis Reserve with an icon located between the existing playground and Kildare Street to show the proposed equipment location

Proposed location for the new fitness equipment in Sir William Angliss Reserve.

Feedback from our community

We sought community feedback on our proposal to install the new outdoor fitness equipment at Sir William Angliss Reserve. The community feedback survey was open from 17 March to 3 April 2022. We would like to thank the 63 people who completed this survey for their feedback.

Out of those who completed the survey, 90.5% of people supported the new outdoor fitness equipment being installed at this location.

We also heard from 5 people that they would like pull-up bars or other static upper body strength equipment.

What we will deliver at Sir William Angliss Reserve

At Sir William Angliss Reserve, we provided a mix of strength and mobility equipment including:

  • a Dexterity Builder, Shoulder Mobility Wheel and Body Twist to allow for slower moving strength workout and mobility improvement
  • a dynamic station with a Chest Press and Pull-down machine to improve upper body strength
  • a Sit-up Bench to strengthen the core.

The colour for the equipment is charcoal and lime green. It also has a grey rubber under surface.

The size of the area is around 46 metres squared. We also added a new resting seat.

The equipment was installed between the playground and Kildare Street to ensure it does not impose on valuable open space at the reserve.

The equipment is designed to suit a range of ages and abilities.

What we will deliver at the other locations

More detailed information on the survey results for the other 3 proposed locations, and what we delivered at each of these locations, is available on our:

For information, see our Outdoor fitness equipment in Boroondara page.