We've drafted a design for the new playground at Norway Reserve! The design was shaped by ideas you shared during the first round of community consultation. Now, we want to know if the design is on the right track.

View the design below and have your say in these ways:

Our draft design

Select the hotspots below to view the draft design.

An artist's impression of a bird's eye view of Norway Reserve Playground map.
Wooden playground with children on it

Rendered image of play unit

Some of the ageing things you love most will be replaced with new versions:

  • a new castle-themed play unit to cater for children of different ages and abilities
  • a triple swing set
  • an accessible carousel.

Exciting new play items include:

  • sensory activity panels
  • an adventure activity trail with rope walks, balance activities, monkey bars and steppers
  • logs and boulders for nature play and seating
  • rubber surfaces and a path into the play space to improve accessibility.

Some park furniture will be upgraded:

  • the picnic setting
  • park seat close to the playground
  • drinking fountain and dog bowl.

Some ideas suggested for the new playground are not included in the design, such as:

  • fencing
  • separate shade structures (shade sails)
  • public toilets
  • sand and water play.

This is because the playground at Norway Reserve is classified as a local playground in our Playground Development Strategy. A playground’s category determines the budget, design focus and scope of the upgrade. Read more about this on our Upgrading Boroondara’s playgrounds page.

Have your say

In July and August 2024, we asked you to tell us:

  • what you love about this playground
  • what could be improved
  • what you’d like to see in the new playground.

We heard from 22 community members through surveys and submissions.

  • 62% were female
  • 57% were parents or guardians
  • 62% lived in the suburb of the playground (Canterbury).
  • 70% love the castle theme.
  • The swings, carousel and slides are your favourite play items.
  • Our community would like a wider variety of play equipment.
  • Residents value the green space for recreation.

We’ve used this feedback to help shape the draft design.

  • Social media: We posted about the consultation on our Facebook and Instagram.
  • Postcards: We distributed postcards to residents who live near the playground.
  • On-site signage: We placed signs around the playground with a QR code for this consultation page.
  • Boroondara Bulletin: The consultation was listed in 'Have your say' in the August/September edition. The Boroondara Bulletin is our community magazine.
  • Emails: We sent an email to everyone who has signed up for alerts about new consultations relevant to them. You can sign up for alerts at the top of this page.
  • Council e-newsletters: We promoted the consultation to thousands of community members who subscribe to the Fortnightly Feed e-newsletter.