Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts on the Multicultural Action Plan. We appreciate contributions from individuals and community groups that informed the development of the plan.

Background to the Multicultural Action Plan

The Multicultural Action Plan 2024-26 will guide the work we do to celebrate Boroondara’s multicultural community. It makes sure people from all backgrounds can access Council services and actively take part in the community through:

  • Celebration and belonging

    Boroondara’s multicultural communities are celebrated and feel a sense of belonging.

  • Communication and welcoming environments

    Boroondara’s multicultural communities easily access information, share feedback and ideas with Council and feel welcome in spaces and places in Boroondara.

  • Accessibility and participation

    Multicultural communities participate in all aspects of Boroondara community life.

Why the Multicultural Action Plan is important

The Multicultural Action Plan 2024-26 was guided by our community’s vision in the Boroondara Community Plan 2021-31 for ‘a sustainable and inclusive community’. The plan demonstrates Council’s commitment to welcoming and including people from multicultural communities in Boroondara.

Community consultation

Stage 1 consultation

  • 216 individuals and 33 community organisations completed a community survey
  • 31 different countries, including Australia, were represented
  • 65% of responses were from women, 28% were from men and 7% preferred not to provide their gender
  • feedback came from all age groups
  • 45 representatives from faith-based and cultural groups provided feedback at interviews and workshops
  • feedback was given in a variety of languages other than English
  • respondents spoke 15 languages other than English at home with the top 2 being Mandarin and Cantonese.
  • Community members want more events, festivals and initiatives that honour multiculturalism.
  • Council has an important role to play in fostering and protecting harmony in Boroondara.
  • Events bringing older and younger people together help to build stronger connections and keep cultural heritage.
  • Use of plain English across multiple communications channels is essential.
  • Community members want equal access for all to resources, services and opportunities.
  • Social isolation is an issue for some people from multicultural backgrounds.
  • Interfaith and cross-cultural celebrations are important in reducing racism.

Stage 2 consultation

In the second stage of consultation, we invited the community to look over the draft plan and give us feedback. We heard from 38 members of the community. There was broad support for the draft Multicultural Action Plan 2024-26 and Council’s commitment to celebrating and supporting our multicultural communities.

  • “These initiatives [events, festivals and projects that honour multiculturalism] create awareness of who we are, our cultures, faiths, and traditions.”

  • “I am in support of the draft multicultural action plan developed by COB [City of Boroondara] and congratulate COB on reaching out to such a diverse range of people in the consultation process.”

  • "We need to acknowledge our Diversity, Welcome Inclusion for all and take everyone on this journey. Boroondara For All."

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