
Our response to the North East Link Eastern Freeway Upgrades UDLP

30 November 2023

The North East Link Eastern Freeway Upgrades - Burke Road to Tram Road Urban Design and Landscape Plan (UDLP) was on public exhibition for 21 calendar days in October 2023. The UDLP covers the eastern half of the Koonung Creek Reserve as well as other reserves next to the Eastern Freeway between Burke Road and Tram Road.

We identified a number of issues with the UDLP and prepared a submission based on community feedback. This included feedback we received through our Koonung Creek Reserve draft concept design consultation. The submission forms part of our continued efforts to advocate for the best outcomes for the Boroondara community as development and delivery of the North East Link progresses.

The submission was unanimously endorsed by Councillors at the Council Meeting on Monday 27 November 2023.

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What our community told us about Koonung Creek Reserve

In September and October 2023, we asked our community to have their say on the Koonung Creek Reserve draft concept design. A total of 153 people completed our survey, 36 people attended a pop-up and drop-in sessions and 12 people participated in a facilitated community workshop.

We heard from a range of age groups and genders, with 64% living in Balwyn North where Koonung Creek Reserve is located.

Through consultation, we heard:

  • 66% of respondents oppose the North East Link Program’s (NELP) inclusion of stormwater management infrastructure in the Koonung Creek Reserve because it would result in a further loss of usable open space and cause issues with stagnant water.
  • More than 80% of respondents support mode-separated walking paths and cycling trails to improve safety for all path, trail and park users.
  • Respondents want the Koonung Creek Reserve to remain untouched and not become too manicured or artificial.
  • 60% of respondents support the inclusion of a new playground at the western end of the Koonung Creek Reserve.

You can download a copy of the consultation report from our Koonung Creek Reserve draft concept design page.

Summary of our submission

Based on community feedback, our submission included commentary about:

  • The inclusion of the stormwater management infrastructure in the Koonung Creek Reserve reducing available and accessible public open space and voicing Council’s opposition to its inclusion.
  • The lack of mode-separated walking paths and cycling trails and sharing Council’s support for mode-separated paths and trails.
  • The inclusion of mounding support, rather than pier supports, for the Estelle Street bridge in the Koonung Creek Reserve, with the mound further reducing available public open space and restricting access through the reserve.
  • The strong focus on the widening of the Eastern Freeway and the lack of care and attention given to the revitalisation of the land used by the project and adjacent land once the 5+ years of construction works are complete.
  • Lack of acknowledgement of the impact of NELP occupying 65% of Koonung Creek Reserve and about 2 hectares of the Freeway Golf Course with construction compounds for five years.

Next steps

The submission will be sent to the Premier of Victoria, the Minister for Planning, the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, the Major Road Projects Victoria CEO, the NELP Executive Program Director and others.

The findings from the Koonung Creek Reserve draft concept design consultation, and the design changes supported by community, will be considered by Councillors at a Council Meeting in early-2024.

Following this, we will share the outcomes from the Council Meeting with NELP. We will also continue to work with NELP to amend and update the design for the Koonung Creek Reserve to ensure it reflects the feedback from the community and Council.

Stay informed

To stay up to date, visit our Koonung Creek Reserve draft concept design page and select ‘Follow’ at the top of the page.