We have upgraded the local playground at Kate Campbell Reserve in Kew to improve the play experience.

Consultation to inform the upgrade has closed. You can find out more about the works on our Kate Campbell playground upgrade page.

About the consultation

In May 2022, we invited our community to share feedback on a draft concept design for the new playground. The draft concept design aimed to create more accessible play opportunities for all children and complement the surrounding reserve.

Our community told us:

  • they feel this park is a “hidden gem” in Boroondara
  • they enjoy the uniqueness of the park and surrounding landscape
  • they like the existing drover rocker
  • they would like places to sit below the shade of the trees.

Thank you to everyone who shared feedback. Your feedback has shaped the final concept design for the new playground.

We expect construction to commence in 2024.

Our final concept design

We made changes to the draft concept design based on feedback from our community.

The final concept design now includes:

  • an enhanced play unit with cubby play at ground level
  • refurbished drover rocker
  • new accessible basket swing
  • new swings with strap and baby seats
  • new seating area adjacent to the swings
  • logs for nature play
  • native trees for more shade and to support local wildlife.

Park infrastructure will also be improved, with:

  • upgraded picnic furniture
  • accessible pathways into and around the playground
  • park benches overlooking the playground.

You can view key features of the final concept design by selecting the Hotspots below.

All equipment and surface treatments shown are subject to final budget review, authority approvals and site conditions. Images of equipment are examples only and subject to change.

Kate Campbell playground map