Thanks to everyone who shared their stories and ideas on a new playground design for Howard Dawson Reserve in Glen Iris.

This consultation was open until 5 pm Wednesday 28 August.

Why we're building a new playground

We’ve prioritised the playground at Howard Dawson Reserve to be upgraded as some equipment is ageing and some posts in the main timber play structures are starting to rot.

The playground will also be upgraded to:

  • create new play experiences for a range of ages and abilities
  • improve accessibility
  • complement the nearby Gardiners Creek trail.

Our progress so far

In February 2024, we consulted our community to find out:

  • what you love about the current playground
  • more about you, your child or family’s favourite experiences at the park
  • what features you would like to see in the new future play space.

We heard from 53 participants and used your feedback to create a draft design for the new playground.

About the draft design

Overview of the draft design

Many of you shared how much you enjoy the current playground and would prefer not to see any major changes.

We've made sure this is a priority in the draft design. We propose to:

  • upgrade the play unit, which includes an elevated bridge circuit and new challenges
  • keep the popular castle theme and include play elements that have a creek theme
  • keep some of the existing play equipment, such as the carousel and pommel seesaw
  • provide more swing options.

We’re proposing to add the following new play elements to the playground:

  • A new play unit, featuring:
    - accessible areas
    - two circuits: an elevated bridge circuit and a more challenging circuit
    - monkey bars
    - climbing walls and ladders
    - a tube slide, a senior slide and a junior slide
    - cubby spaces
    - activity panels.

  • Senior triple swing set, featuring:
    - 2 strap seats
    - a basket swing.
  • A climbing rock mound, featuring:
    - a boulder hill with a ‘rope haul’ for climbing
    - an access bridge to the castle.
  • Themed play and nature play, featuring:
    - a jousting stick forest
    - boulder-and-post balance beams
    - a drawbridge
    - castle ruins and a moat
    - creek moat embellishments.

Existing play equipment that will be retained in the new playground include the:

  • junior swing frame with 2 toddler seats
  • carousel
  • pommel see-saw.

Existing features that will remain unchanged are:

  • the barbeque and picnic area
  • paths from the carpark to the playground, picnic area and half-court
  • public toilets
  • fencing along the car park
  • basketball half-court
  • mature trees
  • existing rubbish bins.

Existing features around the playground that will be upgraded include:

  • shade sails - some parts will be modified to improve longevity
  • 2 bench seats
  • drinking fountain (a new, accessible, stainless steel version).

How your feedback shaped the design

You shared lots of great insights about what you’d like to see in the new playground.

The following features have been included in our draft design. We heard:

  • You value the existing playground and its features.

    “We actually really like this playground the way it is in terms of the size and length a child can run along the ramps and bridges from one end to the other. Please keep it the same.”

  • It’s important that the playground still caters to all ages and abilities.

    “The current design sets the park apart from others in the area, due to its appropriateness for all ages.”

  • You like both the castle theme and the creek theme.

    “My son…remembers it as the castle playground which based on his current interests really excited him.”

    Bring in more nature/natural elements.”

  • Swings are popular with people of all ages.

    “A round wide swing that parents can sit on with smaller children.”

    “Both swing sets should stay, as it is a large area and accommodates more age groups.”
  • You’d like to see more nature play elements in the new design.

    “Can we have more nature play?”

View the design

You can view key proposed features of the draft design by selecting the hotspots on this map.

Have your say

Is the design for the new playground on the right track?

You can tell us your thoughts in these ways:

  • complete our short survey
  • call, email or share a letter with us using the contact details to the right side of this page
  • attend a drop-in session at the park on Wednesday 14 August 2024, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm (depending on the weather).

Consultation closed at 5 pm on Wednesday 28 August.