A new playground is ready to rule the realm at Howard Dawson Reserve!

Thanks to your feedback from 2 rounds of consultation, we’re excited to share a new castle and creek-themed playground that’s sure to spark imaginations.

Imagine a drawbridge, creek moat, castle ruins, scaling rope and endless fun for everyone!

We plan to start building the new playground in the 2025-26 financial year. This will be subject to Council’s funding as part of the annual budget process.

We’ll share updates through email and Boroondara's main website when construction timings are confirmed.

The final design

You can view the design by selecting the hotspots on this map.

Changes to the draft design

We listened to your feedback during the second round of consultation. As a result, we've updated some features that were part of the draft design.

We're using teal and yellow on the play equipment, inspired by the colours castle knights used on their capes and armour.

We heard how important it is to our local community that the playground complements its natural environment. The playground will also include natural wood and play elements to blend with nature.

Your feedback from consultation showed the jousting stick forest wasn't as popular as we hoped. Based on this feedback, we’ve replaced it with a track glider.

Your feedback about the track glide being popular with visitors helped us make this decision.

Other features

These existing features will not be upgraded or changed as they are still in good condition:

  • the barbeque and picnic area
  • paths from the carpark to the playground, picnic area and half-court
  • public toilets
  • fencing along the car park
  • basketball half-court
  • mature trees
  • existing rubbish bins.

The size of the playground and maintenance requirements mean this site is not able to accommodate sand play or water play. These will not be included in the new playground.

The current playground was built in 2004. We’ve prioritised this playground to be updated as some equipment is aging and some posts in the main timber play structures are starting to rot.

Our aim is to:

  • create new play experiences for a range of ages and abilities
  • improve accessibility
  • complement the nearby Gardiners Creek trail.

Find out more on our Howard Dawson Reserve playground page.

Community consultation

We asked our community for feedback through 2 stages of consultation. Thank you to everyone who shared their suggestions and ideas with us.

First round of consultation

In February 2024, we consulted our community to find out:

  • what you love about the playground
  • more about you, your child or family’s favourite experiences at the park
  • what features you would like to see in the new future play space.

We heard from 53 people and used your feedback to create a draft design for the new playground.

Who we heard from

  • 40 people did our survey
  • 13 people shared their feedback by uploading pictures or short comments to this consultation page.
  • Many of you love the current playground and don't want the design to change much.

    “We actually really like this playground the way it is in terms of the size and length a child can run along the ramps and bridges from one end to the other. Please keep it the same.”

  • You like the idea of combining the castle and creek theme.

    “My son…remembers it as the castle playground which based on his current interests really excited him.”

    Bring in more nature/natural elements.”

  • It’s important the playground still caters to all ages and abilities.

    “The current design sets the park apart from others in the area, due to its appropriateness for all ages.”

  • You’d like to see more nature play elements and swings in the new design.

    “Can we have more nature play?”

    “A round wide swing that parents can sit on with smaller children.”