
Planning Panel appointed

17 May 2023

On 1 May 2023, Council’s Urban Planning Delegated Committee (UPDC) resolved to refer all submissions to an independent Planning Panel.

To read the full agenda and meeting minutes, visit the meeting event page. The minutes are normally available 10 business days after the meeting.

The Minister for Planning has appointed a Planning Panel to consider the amendment. A Directions Hearing has been set for Wednesday 14 June 2023. A Directions Hearing is held to clarify administrative matters before the Panel Hearing.

The Panel Hearing has been set for the week of 10 July 2023. Please note that these are only preliminary dates and may be subject to change.

Planning Panels Victoria organise the Panel process. They will invite all submitters to take part in the Panel Hearing process. If you are a submitter you will have the opportunity to speak at the hearing in support of your submission.

If you have any questions on the Panel process, you can:

After the Panel Hearing, the Panel will prepare a report for Council’s consideration. We must make this report publicly available within 10 business days of receiving it.

We will then review the Panel report and prepare our own report with recommendations to be considered by Council’s UPDC. The UPDC does not need to accept the Panel’s recommendations and may resolve to make more changes to the amendment.