What is the Glenferrie Place Plan?

The Glenferrie Place Plan is a guide to the future revitalisation of the Glenferrie precinct in Hawthorn.

Council adopted the plan on 11 December 2023.

The plan is the product of extensive community feedback, research and analysis. It features urban greening and sustainable transport, arts events and smart technology, sports, recreation and revitalised laneways, tapping into what's special about Glenferrie and its community.

View the Glenferrie Place Plan in the Documents library on this page.

The Place Vision

Glenferrie will be a vibrant and accessible place where everyone feels welcome. The streets and public spaces will offer more greenery and opportunities for people to meet, shop, learn and hold events. The local economy and community will flourish, with people and businesses representing the area’s rich diversity.

Explore the Place Plan

These 9 initiatives will help achieve the community's collective vision for Glenferrie.