We’re upgrading the local playground at Dorothy Laver Reserve East, located on Saxby Road in Ashburton.

Before we design the new playground, we want to know:

  • what you think about the current playground
  • what your favourite things to play on are
  • what could be improved.

Share your thoughts by completing our short survey.

Have your say by 5 pm Tuesday 10 September 2024.

Why we’re building a new playground

The playground needs an upgrade because the current play equipment is ageing. The posts in the main timber play structures are starting to rot and need to be replaced.

Our aim is to:

  • build a playground which meets the needs of children and families into the future
  • offer a diverse range of play activities, experiences and equipment
  • improve accessibility around the playground.

Help us design the new playground

You can have your say by taking our short survey.

This stage of consultation closed at 5 pm on Tuesday 10 September 2024.

Have your say