What's most important to you?

We want to make sure your needs and hopes for the future of Boroondara are reflected in everything we do. That's why we're checking in with our community with a short survey.

Please tell us what's most important to you, your family, your community and local area, now and into the future.

What you say will help shape our Boroondara Community Plan for 2025–2035 and pave the way for our future priorities.

The short survey below closes at 5 pm on Friday 16 August. Complete the survey for a chance to win one of 5 gift cards.

The Boroondara Community Plan

The Boroondara Community Plan is our guiding strategy. It helps Council to plan, make decisions and allocate resources to ensure we deliver on what our community tells us is most important.

The Community Plan was first developed in partnership with the community in 2017.

Every 4 years, we check in with the community and renew the plan to make sure it continues to reflect your current and future needs and priorities.

The plan includes our:

  • 10-year Community Vision
  • Council Plan
  • Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan.

The Community Plan informs everything we do, including our annual budgets, strategies, policies and actions.