Mission Australia is conducting a survey to understand the values and concerns of young people across Australia. We’re encouraging you to share your feedback by taking part in the Mission Australia Youth Survey 2024.

This survey aims to gather insights that will help Mission Australia produce a report that can shape local policies, programmes and support services for organisations in our community.

You’ll be asked things like:

  • what concerns you have regarding your community and its services
  • your thoughts on current programs and what improvements or new initiatives you'd like to see.

Your feedback can:

  • provide Mission Australia with a better understanding of the needs and gaps within the youth sector
  • help Mission Australia understand the most pressing concerns of young people in Boroondara
  • assist in creating initiatives that reflect youth feedback and priorities.

The survey closes on 16 August 2024.

The public report will be available to the community in early 2025.

Have your say

Have your say by completing the survey using the link below.

When completing the survey, please skip and press ‘next’ when asked to provide a code.

The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. All answers will be anonymous, confidential, and reported or published as a group.

Mission Australia’s Youth Survey has obtained Human Research Ethics Committee approval from the University of Melbourne.